ChatGPT Use Cases for Businesses in 2023-24

Humanity is so accustomed to the constant flow of new technologies that it sometimes seems difficult to surprise people. However, the OpenAI company managed to create groundbreaking technology, which attracted more than 1 million users in just a few days of its existence. After less than five months of its work, their number exceeded 170 million, which means an increase of approximately 1 million registered users per day. Is this a temporary fashion fad, or can ChatGPT offer businesses, government organizations, and individual users new unique, and breakthrough opportunities? The already implemented ChatGPT use cases from IT expert CHI Software prove that this technology opens up incredible possibilities for businesses.

How Did ChatGPT Manage to Win the Hearts of Users?

Work on artificial intelligence has a long and not always successful history. However, the fact that such an advanced AI model as ChatGPT has emerged proves that these decades of work on its development were not in vain. The cognitive abilities of AI are improving and not only come close to human ones but are also ahead of them in some respects. Here are just a few of the capabilities of ChatGPT that make it an outstanding invention compared to its predecessors:

  • Creation of texts almost indistinguishable from those produced by people;
  • The ability to communicate with users by remembering what they said previously and taking it into account in subsequent responses;
  • Ability to understand humor and make jokes;
  • A creative approach to writing texts and the ability to produce original ideas.

Considering the huge database that ChatGPT can process instantly and the ability to continuously learn and improve, the prospects for its use in all areas of human life are simply enormous. This is evidenced by ChatGPT business use cases, which make a business stand out from its competitors and offer its clients opportunities that other companies do not have.

Does ChatGPT Really Have No Disadvantages?

Developers and companies prefer to talk not about the shortcomings but about the limitations of this technology. They also notice that these limitations are temporary since work on improving ChatGPT does not stop for a minute, and developers are looking for suitable solutions for all weak points. In particular, among the disadvantages that do not allow this technology to be called 100% effective, the following are highlighted:

  • Operating with obsolete information if the database is not updated on time;
  • Possibility of using false data if it is not detected in time;
  • Periodically generating offensive content that may shock the interlocutor;
  • Possible spread of harmful information.

Considering these shortcomings, linguistic specialist Fawaz Qasem draws attention to the need for not only further improvement of ChatGPT but also its wise and, importantly, ethical use in various industries. Here are just a few business use cases for ChatGPT, where it is used most effectively and, at the same time, absolutely ethically, which removes any concerns about its possible limitations.

Current Capabilities of ChatGPT That Are Successfully Used in Business

To learn about the possibilities of practical application of AI technology, you can get acquainted with already implemented projects. Thus, ChatGPT developers CHI Software, who have more than 17 years of expertise in producing software solutions for different industries, successfully launched several ChatGPT-based apps. 

Get a Companion for Human-Like Conversations

A virtual companion can perform many functions, providing different users with the services they need at the moment:

  • Emotional support for those who want to share their personal feelings and listen to valuable psychological advice from AI;
  • A personal secretary for those who have to coordinate a lot of things and need the perfect assistant;
  • Language practice for those users who are learning a foreign language and require an attentive interlocutor for continuous improvement;
  • Entertainment for those who want to spend time playing some kind of game and look for a partner with whom they can not only play but also chat, joke, exchange news, etc.

This application is made in the form of a social media platform. It has already attracted many users who highly appreciated the intellectual and even empathetic qualities of the virtual companion.

Personalized Recommendations for Choosing Cosmetics

Business use cases for ChatGPT include many apps that serve as personal advisors for selecting products. In this case, the familiar product catalog is complemented by unique opportunities to receive professional advice on product selection.

The customer of this project was a cosmetic retailer, who initiated the creation of a mobile app based on ChatGPT. The consumer can upload their photo, and the AI uses a variety of parameters to determine the client’s skin type and compiles a list of recommendations from the store’s products. ChatGPT communicates with the buyer and explains why this particular product is ideal in their case.

Ways to Integrate AI into Your Business

AI can help make your business technologically more attractive. You can use three different ways of AI integration, from quick and inexpensive to time-consuming and costly ones. 

Way of AI IntegrationProsCons
API from OpenAI The simplest solution that requires no effort
Fastest project launch
Low-priced option
Doesn’t provide much of a competitive advantage
Limited control over AI
Use of outdated information
ChatGPT Fine-tuning Improved accuracy of ChatGPT responses
Relevance of answers regarding the services provided by your company
More control possible
The need to train the model is time-consuming
Requires high-quality databases regarding the activities of your company
Solid computational resources to perform AI training tasks
Availability of highly qualified specialists in ML
AI Model from Scratch Possibility to design any features you need
Full control over AI
Predictability of AI behavior
Complete confidentiality
Time-consuming task
Highly qualified specialists required

The ability to use ChatGPT for companies with any budget makes this technology very democratic. It gives an opportunity to become a leader even for those companies that are limited in resources at the start. Best use cases for ChatGPT indicate that interest in companies’ services after AI integration is growing sharply. And this inspires businesses to reach new levels of service provision and implement even more original solutions based on the use of ChatGPT.